Friday, 9 February 2024

Town planning

I am reusing the buildings from the original layout. Before I got too much further with the ground cover, I wanted to decide more or less which buildings were going to feature in which of the two towns. I tried different combinations of buildings on the module and then set up the other buildings on a piece of foam with the same dimensions as a module as a mock-up of the other town module that is yet to be built. I made sure I placed a piece of track on the mock-up to get an idea of how the train would run through that scene. 

I had a few criteria when arranging the buildings:

  • The side of the buildings with the most windows or detailing should face the edge of the layout. This will help when I add lights and interiors later.
  • There were several buildings I liked better than others and so I wanted those closer to the viewer. For example, the saloon, the bakery, the bank/land office, the Gunsmith/Lawyer and the Four Sisters Hotel. 
  • In general, I had a preference for taller buildings nearer the edge of the layout and smaller ones further in, to help create a slight forced-perspective effect.
  • I did not want the street to be perpendicular to the layout edge. 
In the end, I settled on the building arrangements in the following photos:

Clockwise from top right, Assayers, Dry Goods, Columba Hotel, Bank/Land Office,
Bakery, Hay & Grain, Shoe shop. 

I avoided placing buildings or boardwalks over the join between two modules.

A mock-up of the yet-to-be-built town. Clockwise from bottom left: Saloon, Stove & Tin Shop, Doctors rooms, building under construction, Sheriff's office, Rooming house, Livery stable, Four Sisters Hotel, Gunsmith & Lawyer

A street view of the mockup. I am of a mind to adjust the rooming house footprint to make it better fit the space available. But I'll build the module first to see how it looks. 


  1. Must be the season for town planning. Both Jim over at 30 Squares and I have been moving buildings around our layouts.

    Have you got any plans to make any new structures or will you be able to stay with the ones you've already built?
