Saturday, 19 February 2022

So its been a year

Wow, so it's almost been a year since I posted last. Back in July I did post a new video to my YouTube channel but neglected to post a link here. So here it is below for those that haven't seen it.

Truth be told the last 12 months have been very busy and I have been completely immersed in my studies.  I am scheduled to begin a training internship for ministry in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ) in 2023, but there is some uncertainty about where it may be. Because of this, I've found that my motivation to continue building my layout has evaporated. It doesn't seem to make sense to continue to pour creative energy into a layout that may be mothballed or moved. Of course, I may be able to stay where I am, which would mean the layout can stay as well. But in the meantime, development is on hold.

 Over the next twelve months, I aim to take some more focus stacked photos and more videos of the layout to document the layout, in case it is eventually moved. I'll post them here when I'm able. 

So I have not been building, but I have been running trains. I used to run a car card and waybill system, but lately, I've just been running whatever trains I have felt like. My son is showing more interest in operating the layout so I may see how he likes the car card system. Perhaps our experience may be covered in a future post. 

So apologies for the radio silence. But hopefully, I can have a few more posts in the coming months.