Everything in New Zealand typically shuts down for a couple of weeks over Christmas and so I've enjoyed the first couple of days of my holiday tinkering on the layout, making a video and taking some photos.
One of my readers, Alex, requested a shot of Jupiter in the snow at Erewhon. I hope this photo was what you were after Alex.
Jupiter in Erewhon |
More Jupiter |
Firefly leaves Cass |
119 heading toward the cut |
Mountaineer at Teresaton. The fence on the left is new. More about that later. |
I also spent a little time creating a video of Griffin pulling out with a heavy train on frosty rails. I love hearing steam locomotives struggling for grip, but there isn't really a way to capture this in our modelling. The Tsunami 2 decoders do have a wheel slip sound effect, which sounds great. But of course, it cannot simulate actual wheel slip. That is a function physics, and we spend a lot of time weighting our models to eliminate wheel-slip!
I set up a scene with Griffin and a few cars. Another locomotive was attached to the rear of the train to provide some resistance. I used the second locomotive, which was muted, to control the actual train speed. I used the switching mode function on Griffin, which overrides the momentum feature. This meant Griffin could strain away at the head of the train, slipping her drivers and creating a good show.
Unfortunately, I accidentally uploaded the raw footage instead of the finished video, so I deleted it and have uploaded it again. My apologies to those who left comments on the original video, they were deleted when I removed it. I hope the final product is a more interesting watch!