I have not spent alot of time working on the layout the since April. I've stuck to running trains when I can and I've also been building model aircraft kits with my son (more about that later).
I had a month off work in April, so I got alot achieved. The last major scenery project I completed was completing a timber and log trestle which connects the sawmill and the logging skid site. I followed some examples from period photos where bridges were built on a base of logs. Building a base of logs meant I had a more level base on which to build the trestle bents. I think it also adds some character to this portion of the layout.
Growing up I loved Bill Peet's childrens book, The Caboose that got loose. My more whimsical side would love to be able to wedge a caboose between 'two towering spruce' down in the gorge. However, I think I dont think it will fit. I think I will perhaps model a wrecked caboose down in the gorge one day instead. What do you think?